
Fractal Design Define R5 Titanium (FD-CA-DEF-R5-TI)


without a power supply Tower for motherboards ATX/micro-ATX/mini-ITX, USB 3.0

General information (Fractal Design Define R5 Titanium (FD-CA-DEF-R5-TI))
Type without power supply
Classification gaming
Technical specifications housing (Fractal Design Define R5 Titanium (FD-CA-DEF-R5-TI))
Body color titanium
Housing material steel
Case type Tower
Form factor motherboard ATX, micro-ATX, mini-ITX
The location of the power supply bottom
Cooling air
Holes for FREE
Installed fans 2
Bays 5.25" 2
Internal bays 3.5" 8
Removable basket hard drives
Expansion slots 7
Dust filters
Transparent window
Max. the length of the video card 310 mm
Max. the height of the CPU cooler 180 mm
The front body panel (Fractal Design Define R5 Titanium (FD-CA-DEF-R5-TI))
Built-in speakers
The door
Information display
Infrared port (remote)
USB 2.0 2
USB 3.0 2
IEEE 1394 (FireWire, iLink)
Docking station for hard drives
Audio output 1
Carry handle
Dimensions (Fractal Design Define R5 Titanium (FD-CA-DEF-R5-TI))
Height 462 mm
Width 232 mm
Depth 531 mm
Weight 11.2 kg
Seats for fans 9
Card reader
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